Film fans have voted for Sir Sean Connery with Ursulla Andress and the Aston Martin DB5 in their idea of the ultimate Bond film.

Reports say that fans also voted for the villain Jaws and Golden-Eye’s  Xenia Onatopp. Other aspects would include the jetpack and The Wings’ song Live and Let Die and the one liner “I think he’s attempting re-entry” which Q says as Bond is kissing Holly Goodhead.

More than 25,000 fans were polled and Connery came in first with Daniel Craig second. Ursula Andress was the sexiest Bond girl, Pussy Galore was the best name and Famke Janssen was the best femme fatale.

Craig’s fight with Mollaka in the opening of Casino Royale  was the best fight and Roger Moore’s parachute jump in The Spy Who Loved Me was top stunt.